Can AI Take Over Content Writing?

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Artificial intelligence is a growing field that has undoubtedly shared the burden of dull human jobs. However, the pace at which AI is taking over the human factor is threatening. According to a recent study, out of 60% of occupations, we can automate at least 30% of the work. Hence, on the one hand, automation may displace 75 million jobs worldwide, but it brings hope in the form of 133 million new jobs by 2022.

As far as manufacturing, construction and retail are concerned, it is on the top of the list. This doesn’t mean AI will not affect marketing and creative roles. The future of content writing seems in the hands of artificial intelligence. Nevertheless, we would need the human factor to supervise this automation in the form of AI content writing.

Can AI Content Writing Take Over Humans?

  1. How Does AI Content Generator Write Articles?

  2. What are the Benefits of AI Writer?

  3. AI Content Writing from Fiction to Reality

  4. Can AI Replace Content Writers?

  5. What is AI Content Generator Best At?

  6. What is Beyond AI Writer Capacity?

  7. AI writer Limitations

  8. What Will Be the Future of AI Writers?

  9. Final Thoughts

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How Does AI Content Generator Write Articles?

Artificial intelligence is “ the simulation of human intelligence by machines especially computer systems.”

In other words, AI writer uses smart machine algorithms to mimic human intelligence. AI content writing is based on technologies called deep learning and natural language processing.

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What are the Benefits of AI Writer?

While deep learning tries to imitate the human brain in processing data and patterns, natural language processing (NLP) tries to analyze and generate language through natural language generation (NLG) in a human-like way.

Together in this process, computers learn to read and understand the human language.

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Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural language processing is the basic part of AI-based writing that allows a computer to hear a human speaking and translate it accordingly. You might have come across NLP while trying voice search on your phone or using Google translator. NLP is a comparatively straightforward one.

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Natural Language Generation (NLG) 

This part of AI content writing is more complicated. NLG uses AI to take the information from NLP and transform it into a narration or story. NLG is based on machine learning, but you can feed the relationship between data and output in it. 

Ai article writer to create articles

AI Content Writing from Fiction to Reality

Although AI-based writing can have a broad range from data interpretation to keyword research, AI writing programs produce structured sentences in the same way as humans do by employing the formats, vocabulary, and templates that they were programmed to learn.

Interestingly, AI content writers do it in a much faster way than humans. However, when it comes to the quality of the creative write-up, they are still lagging behind humans.

Can AI Replace Content Writers?

According to science fiction writers’ predictions, intelligent robots were supposed to take over humanity about half a century ago. However, this reality is still far away from happening in the near future.

Simply in terms of copywriting, AI content writing is a big leap that has progressed enough to produce multiple copies for the Associated Press but still lagging to produce thoughtful writing that requires more than a string of facts.

Ai article writers to create blog posts

What is AI Content Generator Best At?

Content writing with the help of AI is much more fun now; it has freed up the time for marketers to focus on other tasks and boost their efficiency and productivity. A few ways through which AI can help are:

  1. Suggesting ideas for topics and titles

  2. Content optimization

  3. Tracking and analyzing performance

Ai article generator to create content

What is Beyond AI Writer Capacity?

AI-based writing is beneficial, and the success of different AI writing products shows how impactful it is at certain tasks. But, the irony is, AI can’t replicate some aspects where humans are good at. Such as emotions, empathy, creativity, nuance.

Humans are natural storytellers; AI can simulate intelligence and language but can’t simulate the art of expression.

The marketing industry is based on understanding and meeting customers’ individual needs and aspirations. This is where AI doesn’t seem to fill the gap between creating content and connecting emotionally with consumers. 

Although AI can learn and improve through previous experiences, the complexities of human thought and emotions give birth to new ideas over time; AI content writing can’t reproduce this part yet.

When addressing buyer’s personas through experience, instincts, and empathy, professional content writers have the upper hand. 

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AI writer Limitations

To cut short, AI writers fall short on :

  1. Understanding the tone of a write-up.

    A health blog has a completely different tone than one about sports.

  2. Selection of right synonym.

    A human writer knows when to choose solid or robust, range or spectrum.

  3. Showing empathy through content.

    Only a human writer can communicate with customers in a way that lets them know you understand them.

  4. Developing ideas.

    This field is solely dedicated to human writers. AI content writing can organize facts but can’t take research to develop new ideas.

  5. Showing authenticity.

    Only a human factor can show through the uniqueness of his content how a brand is different from the rest in the market. AI writers fall short of this property. 

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What Will Be the Future of AI Writers?

While AI has brought a revolution in manufacturing and technology, AI content writing software needs more sophistication and creativity to match humans. Humans do have limitations, such as they can’t match the speed with which AI works.

Hence, AI writers can work in collaboration with humans to boost their productivity. Some AI writing tools such as Grammarly, Quill and Wordsmith are quite helpful.

Final Thoughts

For the foreseeable future, it seems that AI content writers’ use would be for keyword search, scalability, fact-finding, and organizing. For Amazon or Alibaba, AI content writing aid in producing tens of thousands of features-only product descriptions. However, when it comes to a brand’s unique identity and engaging consumers with empathy, humans will remain the tool of choice based on their emotions and creativity. 

If you have any questions regarding AI content writing, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will answer any questions you have.

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Chase Reiner

I spend most of my time teaching and doing SEO.

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