Top 10+ AI Writing Tools to Rank Your Website [2022]

Top 10 Ai article writer tools rank website

Artificial intelligence has done wonders in different fields over the past decade. However, content writing is where AI can’t completely replace humans, but AI writing tools can share their burden of mundane and laborious work parts.

Although the history of AI writers goes back to the 1950s when scientists hopefully thought these tools would replace humans within ten years. However, the language-related part of AI writers is the area that still needs some work before they master and outperform humans.

Table of content

  1. Where are AI Writing Tools Commonly Used?

  2. Best AI writer 2022

  3. Top AI Writing Tools

  4. Jasper

  5. CoWriter

  6. Grammarly

  7. Quill

  8. Article Forge

  9. Rytr

  10. Narrative Science

  11. Wordsmith

  12. IBM Watson

  13. DeepL

  14. Shine Ranker

  15. Need advice to rank your website?

Use for Ai content generator tools

Where are AI Writing Tools Commonly Used?

Although AI writing tools still need human supervision owing to machine-related mistakes. However, it’s also true that content writing is now a piece of cake with the help of these ai writer tools. Now writers can automate their work on search engines and focus on marketing copy for facebook ads and google ads, and product descriptions .

Artificial Intelligence-based software has common features like:

  1. Autocorrection

  2. Plagiarism checker

  3. Language support

  4. Translation 

  5. Template

  6. Grammer detection tool

  7. Word dictionary

  8. Chat support

Automated article writing software to create content

Best AI writer 2022

Content management for website is very important in identifying brand online. With AI technology it is now possible to generate more informative text, a more precise content to be made and posted more rapidly.

There are currently many AI text writing tools for the internet market. The best ai writers can become more useful on your endeavors if necessary.

Automated article writing software to create content

Top AI Writing Tools

As we are about to move in 2022, here is a list of the top 10 AI writing tools you will find this year.

AI writer tool for grammar checking


Jasper Founded in 2007 by the team behind Grammarly, Jasper is a personal AI writing tool for content writers. Despite having a lot of users, Jasper is still in public beta; hence writers have to wait in queues.

To skip this, you can simply fill out an application at their website and get 10k words for a trial. Most successful applicants work as bloggers, content marketers, designers, and web developers who use Jasper to finish their content 3X faster.


In addition, to be time-efficient, other features of Jasper include detection of :

  1. Grammatical errors

  2. Sentence forma

  3. Plagiarism

  4. Words tone

  5. Keywords

  6. Synonyms

Available in 25+ languages, Jasper is an efficient AI writing tool that can eventually boost your website rank.

Advanced Ai language model for multiple languages


Initially named as Storyteller, this AI writing tool is now known as CoWriter. NASA research lab has developed CoWriter, and companies like Quartz and The Associated Press (AP) use it.

They claimed to have around 32% increased traffic since using this AI writing tool, especially its machine learning tool.


CoWriter can help you way off, even if your spelling and grammar stand nowhere. This AI writing assistant can do this with its special features like:

  1. Word prediction

  2. Speech recognition

  3. Vast vocabulary

  4. Translation

  5. eLearning tools

  6. Talking word processor

Get word-by-word translation in 25+ languages with CoWriter. Moreover, with continuous word prediction and a new horizontal layout, writers can enjoy their work with this AI writing tool.

AI tools for grammar mistakes


Besides having all the standard writing tools, what makes this AI writing assistant stand out is its Grammarly checker tool. Not only it has the function of picking up grammatical mistakes, but it suggests corrections for them.


As the name is self-descriptive, critical features of this AI writing tool are Grammer based including its check on:

  1. Words spelling

  2. Sentence structure

  3. Grammatical rule

  4. Spelling rule

  5. Punctuation

  6. Capitalization 

For accuracy, two of its services are available, free and paid( Premium) versions. Of course, the free version has some limitations, unlike the Premium version, which has a range of additional advantages and benefits. Millions of users worldwide are getting benefits from Grammarly, especially students who have shown a significant improvement in their write-up with its use.

Ai text generator


Educators and technologists founded this AI-based writing software to help students improve their writing. After thorough research, the Quill team developed a tool to help students identify the different parts of the content. Quill-AI writing tool analyses data and creates stories about anything from sports to market analysis and even movies.


The key features of Quill can help writers in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Joining sentences

  2. Complex sentence writing

  3. Paraphrasing

  4. Rewriting sentences

  5. Removing Plagiarism  

More than 200,000 students have produced master writing standards with the use of Quill. Teachers have also benefited from this platform. Moreover, in a recent update, Quill introduced a “multiplayer” feature, where students can interact to have classroom discussions.

Ai writer tool to save time

Article Forge

Article Forge uses artificial intelligence to write unique content that meets human quality standards. If you want to write an article with less time, effort, and expense, then try Article Forge AI-writing assistant.

All you have to do is, enter keywords, wait for 60 seconds and receive the article. Based on deep learning instead of scraping, uniqueness is a key feature of articles produced by Article Forge.


Some of the best features of this AI writing tool based content are:

  1. Time saving

  2. Uniqueness

  3. Synonym suggestion

  4. Summarizing

Having sophisticated deep understanding algorithms, Article Forge produces articles that sound more natural in no time. However, all this depends upon rightly selected keywords.

Ai writing tools for content creation


Rytr is a revolutionary AI-powered writing assistant that creates an algorithm that uses the NLP technique to detect keywords and other essential words in a given text. After that, it groups words in a way that summarizes the text without losing its essence.


Rytr is a relatively new platform, just launched in 2021 but generates killer content seamlessly through these features:

  1. GPT-3 (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer3 ) technology-based

  2. Plagiarism free

  3. Multiple tones ( professional and funny)

  4. Optimized for mobile use

  5. Simple use with one window operation

You can produce high-quality content with this AI-based assistant in just a few seconds.

Ai content generator

Narrative Science

As the name is self suggestive, this AI writing tool narrates data-based stories automatically. Narrative Science has two products, Quill and Lexio, which help businesses understand the data and its report. Moreover, Narrative Science also summarizes data to create insights from big sets of data.


This AI-based writing assistant makes data understandable for everyone through its unique features, which include:

  1. Data storytelling

  2. Personalized daily data brief

  3. Summarizing

Narrative science is bringing a culture of empowerment for everyone by introducing a data-driven culture.

Ai writers tool for content generation


Wordsmith, the world first natural language generation (NLG) engine. It is a natural self-service platform that converts your data into insightful narration. It allows users to generate human-sounding narratives from a given data.


Some of the key features that make Wordsmith stand out include:

  1. Human-friendly narratives

  2. Simplifies data 

  3. Interpreting vast data

  4. Automated insights

This machine learning platform increases productivity yet maintains the quality of your content.

Ai writing software

IBM Watson

IBM Watson is another AI writing tool based on NLP to understand the information you feed it with and summarize or create a narration about it. The beauty of IBM Watson is that it makes sure coherence in sentences to produce high-quality content without human intervention.


IBM Watson uses deep learning to extract the meaning of unstructured data. Some of its key features are:

  1. Text analysis

  2. Categorizes and classifies data

  3. Sentiment extraction

  4. Comprehend human language 

IBM Watson has made it easy for you to use data from diverse sources.

Ai writing software for content quality


As one of the content creation software, DeepL uses neural networks and natural language processing to translate text from one language to another. DeepL is a quantum leap in translation quality that can translate even longer passages without error.


Some of the key features that make this AI writing tool unique in translation include:

  1. No character limit

  2. Translates large files up to 10MB

  3. Tone selection option( formal or informal)

  4. Create your own glossary

With DeepL’s advanced features, you can not only save your time but improve your workflow without compromising on translation quality.

Ai writing software for more organic traffic

Shine Ranker

Another AI writing tool that can help rank your website on search engines and make money from it. The good thing about Shine Ranker is the simplicity with which it works. Shine Ranker can check keywords in bulk and uses the “Intitle” search operator to determine which elements need optimization.

Moreover, it has the option of copying or downloading the results in PDF or Excel format. However, some parts of this AI writing assistant are still in beta, and work on them is in progress.


Some of the critical features of this rising star include:

  1. Identifies keywords with low competition and high profitability

  2. Rank tracker suggests unique keywords for competitor analysis

  3. Shine Audit part audits your site

Shine Ranker helps you see whether or not your site meets certain parameters by displaying the elements in red and green. Red elements require to be fixed and improved. 

Need Advice to Rank your Website?

Every customer has unique needs, so it’s difficult to recommend one AI writing tool to everyone without knowing individual requirements. Getting the right one for you may be tricky, but working through Do’s and Don’t with a little AI help. You can use the hit and trial method to select the best AI writing tool for you. Although they can improve your content writing, but we can't deny the need for the human factor completely. Get a free trial before having a premium package of any AI writing tool. You don’t need to install anything on your computer; you simply can use any AI writing tools through your browser. Go ahead, best of luck!

If you have any questions regarding Shine Ranker and AI writing tools, please contact us and I will answer any questions you may have.

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