How Can AI Generated Content Help in Digital Marketing?

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On the verge of the 22nd century, the world has come a long way in technology. Artificial intelligence(AI) is everywhere around us, ranging from chatbots to self-driving cars. The applications with AI are updating at a regular pace. With better and faster algorithms, AI based products are becoming more efficient. 

Along with the rest of the technological world, AI has also transformed the marketing world. In this article, we will discuss how AI-generated content is leaving a mark on digital marketing. As well as how to use AI marketing strategies in your business to make it more fruitful?

Table of content

  1. The Impact of Artificial intelligence on the Digital Market?

  2. Different roles of AI in Digital Marketing

3. Where to Use AI Generated Content in Digital Marketing?

4. Final thoughts

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The Impact of Artificial intelligence on the Digital Market?

Some decades back, marketing professionals were not in favour of using AI in their market ventures. But, this thinking has changed soon after many major brands have adopted it. Amazon, Alibaba, and Nike are a few examples that have seen great results after implementing AI in their digital marketing strategies.

Amazon was one of the first companies to introduce AI in a personalized recommendation system. The concept gave their customers a personalized browsing experience based on their previous purchases. They also used AI in the dynamic pricing system. AI automated system increases prices when the demand is high while reducing prices to generate sales.

Alibaba increased its customer engagement and sales with the help of the AI fashion store. It helped them to streamline the fashion retail experience for customers. 

So, the quoted examples provide ample evidence that AI is playing a vital role in digital marketing. If you are still hesitant to use it, just go through the diverse roles of AI in boosting digital marketing.

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Different roles of AI in Digital Marketing

Automation of digital marketing services now saves the time and resources of marketers and brands. At practical data analysis and adapting to dynamic input, AI has a cutting edge over humans.

Here are some of the top benefits of using AI generated content in digital marketing: 

Blog post content generation

Increases productivity 

AI helps you to automate repetitive tasks. It saves a lot of time and energy of resources, thus improving productivity.

Advanced niche article writer

Boosts Marketing

Now, you don’t need to rely on assumptions. Use AI services in data analysis and devise a more effective digital marketing strategy.

Broadens the Circle of Target Audience

Based on AI-generated content and data analysis, you come to know about your customers’ choices. AI allows you to understand better and reach out to your target audience more in a more effective way. It brings more customer satisfaction and engagement.

Ai tools for high quality content

Increased ROI

 AI helps you generate better content which boosts your decision-making. It helps you better understand your customer needs, and you can drive audience-targeted digital marketing campaigns resulting in better ROI.

Generate content fro content marketing process

Where to Use AI Generated Content in Digital Marketing?

We know the power of AI generated content in digital marketing, but when and where to use this power is important to know. When used properly, the vicious circle goes on its own. Some of the ways how you can use AI generated content to boost your business include:

Content creation process


One of the common examples of AI usage in digital marketing. They improve customer engagement by interacting with them on your behalf. It answers their common questions in a human-like conversation.

Chatbots provide a positive user experience and customer satisfaction and generate brand leads. Some chatbots are also used for collecting data.

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Automation of Stock and Sports Updates

An artificial intelligence-based algorithm generates content for simple stories. Thus AI generated content provides sports and stock updates. Companies such as Yahoo, the Associated Press, and Fox have been using them for quite some time. 

Generate articles with ai article generator

AI role in Website Building

AI-generated content can share your burden of building a website. Based on user data, now you can build a website. Initial content you provide to AI, rest all it does. Over time this function of AI will get more sophistication. Some examples of AI based Website builders are ADI, The Grid, FireDrop, and Wix.

Ai article writer to create blog posts

Personalized Product Recommendations

One of the ways where eCommerce and retail brands use AI-generated content. Personalized product recommendations enable any brand to better understand its customers. With the help of customers’ browsing and buying history, brands do target marketing and boost sales. 

Ai article writers for content marketing efforts

Content Curation and Creation

Curation of content requires consistent efforts by individuals. It involves first finding, then organizing the content. Thus producing the most relevant digital content to the target audience. With the help of specific tools now, you can produce AI-generated content and curate it easily.

Artificial intelligence-based algorithms help marketers to collect data about a target audience. It includes what they like to read and what concerns they have based on their FAQs. Armed with this knowledge, you can curate and create content and boost customer engagement.

Ai content creation and natural language processing

Improving Customer Experience

AI-generated content includes not only text but also voice messages. If you are thinking about Siri and Cortana, then you are not wrong. But we are talking about IBM’s Watson, the computer that can process language commands.

It then responds to users in a human-like manner, either verbally or in the form of text. Imagine users interacting with an intelligent computer to sort out their problem instead of filling out a form. Watson can help them with their immediate query as well as can direct them to relevant marketing materials they may need in the future.

Ai content writer for content strategy

Final thoughts

AI-generated content can be a game-changer for your business, whether you want to get hold of your ever-increasing amount of data or speed up your content creation. Or, if you want to offer personalized content to your audience, AI has the power to do it all. AI has already revolutionized digital marketing and still has a long way to go. It will, for sure, bring more efficient and convenient ways to business, wait and see.  

Hopefully, the tips in this post encourage and inspire you to build your system to start using AI generated content.

If you have any questions regarding AI generated content, please contact and I will answer any questions you may have.

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Chase Reiner

I spend most of my time teaching and doing SEO.

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