SEMrush Guide 2021: Complete Step By Step Tutorial

Search engine optimization is an element of digital management in digital advertising. It can help you grow or improve the visibility of your business or customers within your chosen field. If so what will it do to improve your visibility online? 90% of Internet pages have no traffic from Google organically. If you want to enhance your website's SEO then you will need to invest in a good SEO plugin that helps you. How could SEMrush help you become an authority in the industry without being a hassle?

How you use Semrush is determined by your individual objectives. Most digital marketing objectives, on the other hand, necessitate three steps: measuring, improving, and reporting. Semrush can assist you with all three, regardless of your area of expertise or specialization.

This page explains how the key features of Semrush can help you measure any website's online visibility, increase the website/visibility, brand and then report on the results of your efforts to help you reach your objectives.

Check out this video or read on for my step-by-step guide:

What is SEMrush & how do you use it?

Semrush is a web marketing and business intelligence product suite. Our tools and reports may help marketers who offer a range of services for marketing: Search Results Management, SEO, PPC SME Research & Marketing.

In this Semrush guide, we are going to be covering how to use Semrush. I actually took a good amount of time over the last couple of days to cover this whole platform. I went through each individual button just to learn it.

I wanted to make an updated tutorial for you if you are looking to use this platform. I went through the ins and outs again just to be able to show you how to use it and share with you my thoughts on the things that I think are good about it as well as the things that I don’t think are so good about it.

Before we get started, it’s worth mentioning that I have a link to a code that you can use for Semrush which will give you a month for free if you’re just looking to try it:

Starting a Project

Projects are the most effective way to begin assessing a website's presence online presence. It's simple to set one up, and it allows you to assess a company's internet presence from a variety of perspectives and collect data over time.

Create a Project on a domain for which you want to conduct research or boost web exposure. Enter a client's domain in the Project setup window if you work with clients. Enter the domain of the website for which you work if you work in-house.

Site Audit is a tool for auditing your website.

Site Audit is an excellent initial Project tool to set up since it may provide you with immediate information on the health of a website. This tool scans your site in the same way that Google does and provides you with a report on all of the issues we discovered with the health and visibility of your website.

You'll have your job cut out for you after you receive the results of your Site Audit. Your report's Errors, Warnings, and Notices section provide a to-do list of technical modifications to make to the website in order to improve its performance. The Site Health score is essentially a grade for your website. The score will improve as you enhance the site and re-run the audit.

Position Tracking allows you to keep track of how visible your website is.

Start tracking your target keywords in Position Tracking once you've settled on them for your campaign. Then, as your SEO strategy progresses, you'll be able to readily track how the website's exposure has improved over time.

This tool can track your unique keyword list in any region around the world. This way, you can track the progress of your website for the keywords and campaign goals that are important to you.

It may also track your competitors and their rankings for the same keywords, allowing you to keep on top of the competition.

You can set up Alerts to receive an email anytime your site or a competitor crosses a certain threshold after the Position Tracking campaign is up and running (into top 3 positions, gains 10 positions, loses 10 positions, etc.)

With our PDF builder tool, My Reports, you can easily integrate Position Tracking reports into a PDF deliverable if you need to report to a client or supervisor. Position Tracking and a few other Semrush reports may also be integrated into Google Data Studio.

With On-Page SEO Checker, you can gather on-page SEO ideas.

The On-Page SEO Checker tool takes a list of your site's pages and their associated target keywords and suggests ways to optimize each page for those keywords. This is how you enhance your organic ranks after assessing your current position.

This tool will provide you with suggestions ranging from technical SEO improvements to raise the word count on specific pages to obtaining backlinks from specific domains.

This, together with the Site Audit tool, is one of the simplest ways to find immediate possibilities to improve a website by making small modifications.


The SEO Dashboard is a small-scale analytics report that gives you a fast overview of what's happening on with your or your competitor's website right now. The dashboard is made up of a number of widgets that display report extracts from SEMrush's most useful and extensively used SEO tools.

Organic Research, Position Tracking, Traffic Analytics, Site Audit, Backlink Analytics, Backlink Audit, On-Page SEO Checker, Advertising Research, Organic Traffic Insights, and Integrations are some of the tools available.

When you log onto Semrush the first thing you’ll see is your dashboard, what you would want to do is to set up your current website on your domain. When you don’t have anything set up on there, Semrush is going to ask you to add a domain. This is really convenient to have since you can see how your traffic is growing on your different websites.

If you press “Add Domain”, you can get your domains listed in there so you can see how the keywords are going up over time and it is kind of just a nice interface to have. The data you will see on your Dashboard are as follows:

  1. Domain

  2. Organic Keywords

  3. Organic Traffic

  4. Ads Keywords

  5. Ads Traffic

  6. Display Ads

You are most likely to pay attention to the abovementioned stats more than anything else on your dashboard.

What Is the Process?

Continuously monitoring your website is an arduous job. Using the SEO Dashboard is a simple method to switch things around.

All you need to do is establish a Project to get an SEO Dashboard up and running in seconds. SEO Dashboard is located at the top of the left-hand navigation menu. Choose one of your current projects or start a new one from the list.

When you go to the dashboard, you'll see all of the data for the project you've chosen. This includes everything from Bounce Rate and Backlinks to On-Page SEO Recommendations. On this single page, you'll find all of the website's main stats and trends.

The information displayed in each widget comes from a Semrush SEO tool or report. Press the 'View Full Report' button at the bottom of a tab to acquire more information. You'll then be taken to the appropriate tool or report.

Keep in mind that the data in the SEO Dashboard's various tabs are refreshed at different intervals. This will be determined by how frequently the data in the original tool is updated.

You'll also be able to track much more information, such as charts for the following:

  • Metrics from Google Analytics (users, sessions, bounce rate, etc.)

  • Views on the most popular pages

See how the Metrics charts (1) provide a visual representation of your GA metrics below. The top page views widget (2) displays the pages that have received the most views.

Projects Dashboard Widgets

The Semrush Projects Dashboard displays data from your current Projects in small-scale widgets. These widgets will show you a quick overview of some of the most relevant metrics related to SEMrush's tools.

On your dashboard, there are two major ways to see a domain.

  1. Add it to the "Add domain" part of the My Competitors section.

  2. Create a project to keep track of the site's various metrics.

The Ultimate Keyword Research Guide for SEO

The manual is intended to teach how to perform in-depth research using keyword phrases. Good keyword research allows you to find the meanings of a topic you need to be answered and it is important to you. Keyword research helps you determine effective strategies to update or increase your content to earn higher ranks on a wider range of terms and ultimately generate more relevant organic traffic on yours. Then we have keywords of question and phrase. Keywords can be helpful as it increases traffic or sales.

How do I do keyword research?

Keyword research for SEO involves gathering all possible variations of keywords that might be related to site/content or products/services or to ideal customers or users but not directly related to any current product. Small business marketing keywords would likely not seem relevant to the current site but could be relevant for the exact same people the website aims to attract. If you're a little company and you're competitive on a single search term is sites wiki and amazon ranking on that term could have a much - longer-term strategy.

Client / Stakeholder Discovery

The initial step in building keywords is to know the business or site in question. It's crucial when you're an external agency. Without this knowledge particularly in complex or highly technical industries, you could possibly not produce a full list of keyword lists nor assess whether those keywords are relevant and crucial.

But. Consider interviews with marketing managers or salespeople product sales experts or even potential website users or customers to fully understand the possible variations of how a product or service might be referred and what problems they are trying to resolve. You want to understand a product or services offered or, most importantly, the need and pain points of your business's in-house SEO services.

Competitor Keyword Research

List some ways to determine the keyword advantage? It's often a defining problem for higher-level managers in in-house or clients who hire experts. Often the client will insist that a list of websites are their “competitors.” However it is often the case that the business competitors are not actively in competitive position in regards to organic search. You can look by checking search engines for the best-placed website's rankings for terms you know as relevant to the site in question for your competition. A business may not consider amazon a competitor from a business perspective but if the site is top-rated they're sure to be a competition from the search industry.

Generate organic keyword ideas from your website(s)

Google ad campaigns, also known as Ad Words are still one of the best sources of keyword advice. To use the keywords to obtain ideas for a website you need access to an account that actually spends time with google Adwords. To find more suggestions about the keywords relevant to your site choose “Discover more keywords”, enter your site URL, and Google will return a list of the keywords they think is relevant for your website. This can also be used to collect traffic to a Google search engine in a manner. You can export many of these terms to a spreadsheet that you can later add to your master list of keywords.

User / Searcher Personas

Many organizations are already building a persona/avatar for the ideal customer. This information lets you filter out search queries that are clearly consumer-based or looking at one unit. For this customer, the search query from my initial list “ Which topology uses the least number of cabling” is relevant but what cable do I need for ps2 controller is not. Not only does this information let the users filter informational inquiries. For this example, it is important to know that the ideal customer is not the average B2C user looking for a cable for Blu-ray players but they are a B2I IT professional.

Organizing Keyword Data in Excel

When pulling in competitive keywords you will need a way to combine data so that you can all information about a keyword on a single line in your spreadsheet. Removing duplicates in Excel is easily accomplished by launching the Data tab selecting Remove Duplicates and choosing the correct box to check the duplicates from. If you do not yet know what to do with an interactive pointer table there's a brief overview below but you can also visit Microsoft.COM for details and a step-by-step guide. You now have the ability to see for each keyword which of you as well as your competitors rank, where.

Keywords for PPC

You can see Google adverts PPC in your Analytics account so long as there is connectivity between your Analytics and Google Account. You will want to exclude brand terms as you are probably already optimizing for them. Some keyword phrases are probably too competitive for you to rank on in the short term. In search results, Google Analytics shows a list of the search terms that searchers who are typing in when they click the advertisement instead of the keywords. Remember you want what your customers want. Why I'm questioning Google's algorithms on search volume and forecast.

Google Search Console Keywords

Google search console will tell you the top 1000 terms for each search. This is not your end list of keywords. But these must help you start with ideas for searching relevant Keywords. If you're unfamiliar with the site, you can download everything in a spreadsheet. GSC should be your first starting point to begin researching on keyword terms. You can find the data from those performance reports when you visit Queries and you are able to download any of the data from the site as a free spreadsheet. Click links and phrases and see more about Keywords.

Building your SEO keyword list

There are many sources for potential keywords. When I am creating my initial list I try to gather at least for each keyword monthly search volume keyword complexity Competitiveness CPC Current rank example: In some cases, it might need to normalize. For example some websites rank the competitive difficulty or keyword difficulty of the term on scales of 0 to 1, while others use a scale of 0 to 100. When combining the data into a single spreadsheet, you'll have to multiply or divide one or the other set of data by 100.

Keywords in Google Analytics

Keyword heroes can transform words that you were “not provided” and store to the right data. Some people even think keywords like traffic ignition will have no importance in the list. I. If your site is relevant the term may be used as the root phrase of any tool that generates more related words. Keyword Hero is an application to convert organic keywords in meaningful data, such as organic keywords, into search engines data and other tools such as KeywordsHero and KeywordHero.

Brainstorming Keywords

Engaging stakeholders in the keyword brainstorming process will likely help generate more keywords. It increases both their confidence in relevance to the keywords and the value of the research itself. Hold short brainstorming sessions with other stakeholders in an effort to get these interested in what they feel could be useful terms for a website. Find more keywords and more relevant keywords than you'll likely ever find yourself.

Keyword Gap Analysis

Another great way to identify keywords that intersect with your keywords is by keyword gap analysis. The strategy allows you to enter a competitor or more and locate conditions that there's either common ground or you haven't. Find terms where those ranks and you're not ranked and how you rank.

Current Keyword Lists

If you develop a new site and someone compiled a list of keywords for the site and the list is available you should have a starting point when determining the new keyword. Unless the site has changed a lot since the initial study was carried out.

Competitive Analysis

If you don't benchmark against and learn from your competition, even if you know your target, experiment with numerous marketing and communication strategies, and establish your best practices, your efforts can still deliver bad results.

Competitive analysis (a subset of broader market research) becomes critical at this point.

I'll lead you through an actionable approach for conducting a competitor analysis in this step-by-step tutorial, which should help you better your marketing strategy.

What Is Competitor Analysis and How Does It Work?

The act of finding and evaluating your competitors' strengths and shortcomings by analyzing their marketing techniques is known as competitor analysis (also known as competitive analysis).

You may learn to avoid their mistakes, copy their achievements, and stay one step ahead of the competition by analyzing what others are doing.

Keep in mind that competitive analysis isn't only about copying your competitors' moves. Rather, it's about accumulating enough data to eliminate the element of guessing from your marketing decisions.

You can avoid costly mistakes by learning what works and what doesn't for your competitors and paying attention to how audiences react to varied messaging, targeting, and other marketing approaches.

When done correctly, competitor analysis will yield the following results:

  • Increase your knowledge of your sector and the competitive landscape.

  • Assist you in defining your distinct value proposition.

  • Show you how to use actionable benchmarks to track your ups and downs.

  • Examine your competitors' success tactics and the true needs of your target audience.

  • Your complete marketing approach will be informed, helping you to keep a competitive advantage.

There are a few steps to conducting a competitive analysis:

  • Look up your online adversaries (based on organic, paid, and local search)

  • Obtain top-level information (basic company info, market share, and audience insights)

  • Determine the products, pricing, positioning, and promotional techniques used by your competitors.

  • Examine their approach to communicating.

  • Identify excellent practices and set goals for yourself.

Scope out the competition

It enables you to access your competitors and get better results quickly. It helps you see what works well for them and can be done for your own site. In fact, it can also get you more people visiting your online website. SEMrush is the best free SEO software program that optimizes your online presence in search engines. For more details please click that link. Get back to this page and find out what you can do with SEMrush.

You must first identify your competitors before you can begin your analysis. While this may seem self-evident, there are several approaches to consider your competition.

There are three basic sorts of competitors:

Direct rivals are companies that sell items or services that may readily be mistaken for yours. Consider the Apple iPhone versus the Samsung Galaxy.

Indirect rivals are companies who sell a product or service that falls into the same category as yours and meets the same need but is of a different type. Consider Apple's iPhone and Samsung's tablet.

Companies that offer items or services of a different sort of category than yours that your consumer could choose instead of yours. Consider Kodak's traditional cameras versus Apple's digital innovation with the iPhone.

When we think about identifying and studying competitors in general, we can think of their market share, profits, or product price as benchmarks.

Website traffic, on the other hand, is the most essential indicator in the internet world. In an online context, discovering and analyzing competitors is all about recognizing organizations that target similar consumers with similar searches.

Start with the Market Explorer tool for a general overview of the major companies in your market. Assume we own Vrbo and want to conduct a competitive study in order to outsmart our rivals. To examine the whole competitive landscape, enter the Vrbo URL and select "search competitors."

Competition Organic Research

SEMrush eliminates 'prediction' by automatically looking for the most relevant search results. The Competitive Position Map shows you how competitive you are within the middle of the best in your industry. The only thing you want a competitor to do is provide a better domain or product and it won't beat them. This measurement will tell you what other Internet sites are putting traffic off of your website. Backlinko is in fact quite competitive against Ahrefs and SEMrush. Nevertheless, Moz is the strongest site out there. The examples are: Moz ranks as a strong competitor by many searches. It will help you discover websites showcasing leads you were unaware existed.

Individual Competition Organic Research

SEMrush offers you the best visual view of the most recognizable search engine. It also provides site owners with a powerful way to target specific competitors and acquire additional information. SEMrush provides you with an easy comparison between your website and a rival website in terms of traffic, paid searches, backlinks, and even keyword analysis. By choosing your competitors and utilizing what works for them in your marketing plan you outrank them. If you can't concentrate on one point or another it also helps your focus to focus the most on what you're attempting to achieve.

Domain Organic Research

It gives you the chance to know how often your readers visit each website. How often does a site drive traffic? Knowing where you stand first can help you develop a data-driven strategy to enhance your website's site-based ranking. Scoping with the competition is crucial in trying to outrank your competition - but again it's crucial to understand where you are in the marketplace first. Using this software can help you quickly see what happened. Sometimes what you believe will be very popular is not. And this device does.

Obtain top-level information

Before you get into the weeds of marketing strategy and other details about each rival, you need to know where you stand with respect to them.

Examine the following to determine your position:

  • Market Share

  • Overview of the Business (basic company info and target markets)

  • Audience Insights (the level of audience overlap with each competitor)

Examine market share comparisons.

The market share leader has power over product price and has an impact on how the public sees the product. They wield a significant amount of power.

Other criteria than sales data can be used to determine market share in the online world. To assess market share, you may, for example, look at traffic counts or active users.

Web traffic is a great technique to figure out who has influence over your place. You can then compare yourself to those competitors to see how competitive you are.

Gathering audience insights 

For high-level audience insights, you can start with the Market Explorer tool, which shows all the basic demographic info about your in-market audience.

Demographic data may help you make informed decisions regarding where to promote your products, how to communicate with your target audience, and how to meet their wants and requirements.

Men and women between the ages of 25 and 34, for example, make up the greatest demographic for Vrbo and its competitors. We can also see how much the audience appreciates being outside.

Why would this be beneficial? So, we may generate marketing materials in this audience's language and distribute our adverts in places where this group spends time.

Look for overlaps between your audience and your competitor when determining your closest competitors to discover where you directly compete and what you may do better to obtain more market share.

The Audience Overlap graph in the Traffic Analytics tool allows you to compare your audience to that of your direct competitors to see how large their audiences are and how much overlap there is between them.

Examining the promotional techniques of competitors

You can make assumptions about your competitors' plans by looking at the many channels that drive visitors to them. Then you may apply what you've learned to your own marketing efforts.

Here are the five most important traffic channels and what you can learn from them:

  • Direct — Your opponent is using offline marketing or has a high level of brand awareness, as users are already familiar with the brand name and can go straight to their website.

  • Referral – Your opponent is paying for prominent placement on other websites (banner advertisements), investing in digital PR for brand mentions and links on other websites, creating content for other platforms, or running cross-promotional efforts.

  • Search – Your rival is certainly engaging in technical SEO on the page, keyword/content planning, and link development.

  • Social media — your competition uses social media.

  • Paid – your competition is most likely using Google Search Ads to fund paid advertising.

You may use Market Explorer to generate a unique market comparison chart that displays overall traffic generation in a certain market.

We can see that direct traffic dominates our specialty, with referral traffic coming in second. This information can help us figure out if we're concentrating our efforts in the proper spots.

We can also analyze competitor traffic sources to determine where we might be able to steal some of their traffic., for example, appears to be the most successful in terms of referral traffic. We may investigate their referral method further to see how we might improve our own.

The Top Pages report in Traffic Analytics not only shows you the most popular pages and services but also lets you see what content and campaigns are driving the most traffic for a competitor.

Run a Domain Check

The Domain Aggregates Service is an excellent tool to know whether your domain has any changes in its SEO status. It is not sufficient to just audit a website to see what search engines are seeing your content. You have to look deeper than that to pinpoint basic statistics that relate directly to SEO such as traffic backlinks and the ads that show your brand. In these circumstances you know where you're at and can develop a good action plan. You'll also find out where your website traffic comes from - what keywords those visitors use before coming to you - your current positions in Google - and even your most competitive rates.

Perform Backlink Research

The more links you have to your websites the more results you get from Google. Ideally, it requires a website with an authority backlink. Google or other search engines want to know that your site is being referenced on high-quality sites that recommend your content to their own audience. When that happens then you get recognized as an authority. You also get a better search ranking. It may help your link-building and communication strategies to understand and quantify the effectiveness of your link building. Remember Google wants rewards for your site.

Use the SEO Content Template

One tool we love with SEMrush is the Google Content Template. Give a title to what you want to use it with on the website or click Get SEO Code. This report is the first to list all of the main competitors in the Google search engine marketing business. Here you'll see the competition's content displaying the keywords you need to rank for. For a beginner who can read the article carefully watch how it will be presented to readers. Basically, if he is ranking you should use what he's doing, improve and have your blog ranks higher.

Gather SEO Ideas

SEMrush provides actionable SEO recommendations that anyone can perform no matter their ability level. Additionally, SEMrush will show you how many keywords are on a page that must be optimized for SEO. You can click on a certain type and topic from their homepage on a search engine results page. Explain to us why we're changing your search rank to the right place. For instance, we'll click the Strategy Ideas and Green 3 ideas buttons to see what SEMrush recommends we do to improve our site's search engine ranking. To get SEMrush's SEO suggestions to go to Projects and select your Projects from this list.

Content Audit

Regular, well-conducted content audits can aid in the identification of information that needs to be upgraded or converted into different formats.

So, what precisely is a content audit?

The practice of carefully studying and evaluating all of the material on your website is known as a content audit. The purpose is to identify strengths and weaknesses in your content strategy and creation workflow, as well as to adjust your content strategy to your current marketing objectives.

Audit Your Website

In this Semrush guide, we're going to explore how this software gives you the option of executing SEO audits for your websites. You'll also find out how the site performs in terms of SEO. When you have a clear vision of your current condition you can draw up a plan that is meaningful. Changing something is not an easy task if you're not sure what's working and what's not. Once the site audit has been done you can use the site audit box and get your results. What helps you in optimizing your website?

Perform Keyword Refinement

SEMrush helps users easily pick and choose the keywords to use as part of their search. SEMrush is a plugin for WordPress that aims to help search engines find the keywords that are the best fit for the content the website wants. This plugin is available for free in the US and only on the US market for $99.99 for more information about using the plugin for other web applications.

Keyword Overview

A SEMrush tool gives you comprehensive information on any keyword that you analyze. You will find the keywords volume, difficulty, SERP results, and trends. With paid ads on your website, you can even see the keyword's cost per click. It's best to conduct keyword research but not just assume the keyword has an effect on the search traffic for your website. And chances are your target audience was looking specifically for something. You could use it for good after applying this tool. This is another good way to tap into the competition which is actively ranking well and find some inspiration from the competition.

Keyword Magic Tool

When using a popular SEO tool you have to know how to use your target keywords effectively in content marketing campaigns. This includes using the correct variation, complementing words, and answering the LSI question. How can I find and rank relevant keywords and phrases in a search engine? It also helps website owners refine their content to satisfy their desired audience and generate traffic to their site. However many people search terms like ‘search engine optimization and search engine optimization.

Chase Reiner

I spend most of my time teaching and doing SEO.

100+ White Hat SEO Tools


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