How To Make Money With Facebook 2021

For many people, Facebook has become a major part of the Internet. It's a place where you can connect with friends and family all over the world, share pictures of your life, and even make some money! If you're looking for new ways to earn money on Facebook, this blog post will show 10 different tips that have helped other people succeed in generating income from their favorite social networking site.


Tip #1. Start a Facebook Fan Page

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You can create a fan page on Facebook by logging in to your account and going to the "Create" menu. Then select "Page", put an interesting name for your page (i.e., Meg's Coupons) and fill out some basic information about what you want it to be about; next, click the "Create" button.


Tip #2. Post Coupons


Many people are willing to pay for coupons that they can use in their neighborhood, so post your best deals on Facebook for others to enjoy! The key is to be attractive and not spammy - make sure the coupon images are high quality (don't just take a screenshot of it) and put up an interesting brief description of what it is you're giving away.


Tip #3. Run Contests


You don't have to be a big company like McDonald’s with an advertising budget of millions for your Facebook page to succeed - all you need is some creativity and the willingness to put in a little work. People love freebies, so use contests as a way of getting them on board: it's easy enough that it doesn't have to cost you anything and the ROI could be huge.


Tip #4. Post Stories You Like

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Facebook's been exploring ways of getting people to interact more on their timeline through stories, which are videos that disappear after 24 hours - now it's your turn! Share some funny memes or viral video clips with your followers in a story and see how they react. You might be surprised to find that people are more willing to open your content in this format than on a regular Facebook post, for fear of their friends seeing it and judging them - which means you get better engagement!


Tip #5. Post Something You Did

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Does your company have a blog? What about an Instagram account or YouTube channel that you update regularly with videos of what you and the team do on a day-to-day basis? If so, then take advantage of Facebook's new trending section to make sure people can see it!


Tip #6. Post Something You Like

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This is one of my favorite tips because it allows you to share your hobbies with people who may not have known about them before. It also gives you the opportunity for some great engagement if your post gets shared by someone else!


Tip #7. Post Something You've Seen

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If you have a blog or website, then you know that it can be hard to get people to share your content on social media. One of the best ways I've found is to talk about something that's caught my eye elsewhere online and include a link in the post so they don't miss out!


Tip #8. Post Something You Use

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Remember the old days when we would post pictures of food or things that had caught our eye? Well, it's time to bring those back! Sharing what you use on a day-to-day basis is an excellent way to connect with people who have similar interests.


Tip #9. Be Genuine


People are drawn to authenticity, so your posts mustn't be always focused on monetizing the social media platform. You want people to know when you're posting about something because you care and not just out of greed for a few extra dollars.


Tip #10. Use Other Facebook Pages to Promote Your Own

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People love getting insider information and knowledge about the latest trends, so make this a part of your strategy by searching for pages that post on topics you're interested in or have an audience similar to yours. When they share your content with their followers it's like free advertising for you!


Tip #11. Be Consistent

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If you post a new item or sale every other day, people will come to expect this of your page and they won't be as likely to purchase an item if it's posted too far apart from any others. So always have something going on with some consistency so that followers know they can always count on you for interesting content.


Tip #12. Refer Your Friends to Like your Page

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If you have several friends who are interested in what you're posting, make it easy and tell them to like your page too! And while they’re at it, ask if they could invite more people as well.

Chase Reiner

I spend most of my time teaching and doing SEO.

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