How I Make $300 a Day With ThriveCart

ThriveCart is a web-based shopping cart that enables you to build high-converting checkout pages and accept payments. ThriveCart is a promising tool for selling both physical and virtual goods, such as eBooks and online programs.

ThriveCart is a software that lets you create subscriptions and products that you can sell either on ThriveCart itself or on your own website. ThriveCart has been working very well for me for the last few months and I’ve been able to use it to really optimize my sales and my conversions and it is something that you are going to really like if you are trying to sell products or services or even affiliate offers.

I’m going to show you the results that I was able to make with ThriveCart and I would go into the step-by-step on how to use it. Before I get started, I want to mention that this tool and all of the other tools that I used will be linked accordingly as you read through this article.

To give you a perspective on what services ThriveCart can offer you and your business, here are just a few of ThriveCart’s powerful features:

  • Advanced Trial Support

  • Membership Integration

  • Discount URL

  • Subscription Management

  • Sales Funnel Builder

  • Autoresponder Integrations

  • Mobile Payments

  • Physical Products

  • Checkout Options

  • Funnel Stats

  • 1-Click Upsells

  • Modal Cart

  • A/B Testing

  • Two-Step Cart

  • Video Carts

  • Automatic Receipts

  • Auto-Follow Up

  • Retargeting

  • Product Upgrades

  • Unlimited Carts

  • Customer Hub

If you’re more likely to just want to relax and watch, check out the YouTube version of this review below:

First Look at ThriveCart

The initial interface of ThriveCart shows a graph of how many subscribers I have actually gathered. When it comes to looking at this initial graph, we must note that ThriveCart doesn’t display the rebilling of subscriptions for the following months after their initial subscription. So you must remember this fact once you take a look at your graph and you’re thinking that it’s underwhelming in comparison to your expectations.

Scrolling down your ThriveCart dashboard will now introduce you to a lot more stats regarding the services you offer, we’ll call this your ThriveCart Business Insights. Through here you will see your business’ following data:

  • Conversion rate

  • Cancellations failed charges

  • Refunds

  • Refund amount 

  • Active subscriptions

  • Commissions

  • Total Transactions

  • Net revenue

  • Average order value

  • Gross revenue

  • Annual revenue

  • Orders

  • Total customers

These stats are fully customizable according to the kind of service you are selling on ThriveCart.

What To Sell On ThriveCart

Let’s talk about what I’m actually selling on ThriveCart. I have actually sold a lot of different things through ThriveCart, one of which was my SEO Audit Template that shows you how to fix your website in order for you to generate organic traffic.

I garnered a good amount of sales on this template, but I’ve been using it or lately doing membership. To give you an insight, I will head on to my subscription tab and show that I currently have 374 people signed up for a subscription that I offer, which is a monthly membership to a private Facebook group where I make about $13,905 monthly recurring revenue right as of the moment.

Setting Things Up With ThriveCart

I’m going to show you how to set all this up but again I just wanted to show you kind of the results that I’ve been able to get from this and that I am making a good amount of money by using this platform to automate memberships and sell people into what I’m offering.

What we have to do is go into the main dashboard, what we’re going to see here is all the stats I mentioned before. There’s a dropdown menu above the graph which will show you the different stats for all of the different services you’re selling.

My system works really well since I’m letting people try out the group first and if they want to stay on it, they get billed for $54. The graph also has a feature that lets you filter the stats by a certain duration.

If you want to compare your service to other products, you can do that as well by clicking the compare button.

Products Tab

ThriveCart’s “Products” tab is where you will see all of the products that you have. These are all the things that you have for sale. If you go ahead and look at the top part of your products tab, you will see the following:

  1. Upsells

  2. Downsells

  3. A/B Tests

  4. Coupons


Basically, upselling is a sales tactic that involves persuading a consumer to spend more money by purchasing a more expensive or premium version of what they've already purchased.

In both business-to-business and business-to-consumer operations, upselling is a widespread technique. Presented below are a few examples:

As part of the airline check-in procedure, an airline encourages passengers flying coach to upgrade to a first-class seat.

For an extra charge, diners can add chicken or shrimp to a salad on a restaurant menu.

The audio version of a printed or e-book is available for a discounted price during the checkout process of an online book store.


Downselling is a sales tactic in which you provide your consumers with an alternative to the original upsell by giving a more cost-effective or convenient purchasing choice after they have rejected or denied the upsell.

A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a randomized experimentation process in which two or more versions of a variable (web page, page element, etc.) are shown to different segments of website visitors at the same time to see which version has the greatest impact and drives the most business metrics.


Before we talk about the actual products, let’s go into the rest of the tabs. At the “Transactions” tab you will see all of your data around the money that you are making and how much money you have already made and pretty much all of the stuff that you see in the dashboard.

This tab also shows you all of the people that are subscribed and signed up if that is the kind of service that you are offering. You can also filter the data by new sign-ups for people who have signed up today versus the users that are currently active versus the people that are still on the trial and so on. 


This tab is going to show me all the different affiliates that I have. The affiliate setup for ThriveCart is really easy. You can see at your tab that you can just go to “My Affiliates” and start adding people in by pressing “Create New Affiliate” and the payments are pretty easy because you don’t have to make them manually you can see they’re all just automatic.

Product Options

This is just if you want to get your URLs for the different products that you’re offering.

Setting Up Products

I want to focus on the products part of ThriveCart because this is where the most important thing that I want to show you. So what you’re gonna do is you’re just going to press “Create Product”, and we’re just going to do digital products.

I’m going to show you how I make money with the affiliate membership, now what we’re going to do is we’re going to name our product. As an example, let’s go ahead and name it “Bitcoin Elite Group”, let’s just say you just wanted to start a bitcoin group. We’re going to make sure our URL is what we want.

For the owner of the product, we’re just going to click on the appropriate name on the list if there are other people on your team’s account. You can add multiple people to your account if ever you need help in building your other product pages.


As for pricing, you have to fill in what currency you want to sell in. for our example, we’re going to be using USD. We don’t want it to be a one-time payment, we want it to be a subscription. After the trial price, we’re going to make it into $54. We’re going to input the trial period and make sure the number of rebills is indefinite. You can see your customer will be charged for their one-day trial and then $54 every month until they cancel, and send you the customer an invoice for every recurring payment. Make sure to not limit the quantity available.

Now we have a product set up. Now it will prompt a “Do you want to customize your customer’s invoice.” massage. This is if you want an extra offer next to the product that you are selling. For our example, we won’t be offering any extra services of some sort.

Connecting A Payment Processor

As for the payment processor, I personally set this up with Stripe and PayPal, press save. This is if you have it already set up if you haven’t.

ThriveCart currently integrates with and supported the following payment processors and methods

  • Stripe (for debit/credit card processing + Apple/Google Pay)

  • PayPal (for payments through PayPal)

  • (for debit/credit card processing)

  • Apple Pay (via Stripe)

  • Google Pay (via Stripe)

One or more of the aforementioned processors must be connected to your account in order to accept payments from clients.

If you're in a country where these processors aren't available, Stripe's Atlas program may be of interest.

Your Affiliates

This tab is when you want to have somebody be able to promote your product with their fulfillment link, this is where it is going to be located at.


This is for whoever is going to be doing the support for your page, you must input the appropriate email for somebody that does the support, then what should happen after they purchase whether you want to redirect them to a different URL or you want to just display their total invoice. Here are the different options that you can choose from on what would happen after each purchase:

  1. Display their total/invoice

  2. Send them to a URL

  3. Add them to my membership site

However, if you want to add them to a membership site, if you want to automatically integrate with programs like WordPress and add them as a member into WordPress, you can do that.


At Checkout, there are a lot of different types of pages that we can build, the different cart types are as follows:

  1. Standard

  2. Sales cart

  3. Embeddable

  4. Popup

I personally use the sales cart type since it looks the best to me. Right beside the checkout tab is the design button, you can go ahead and click that and it will take you to the editor.

Editor Page

There are two different pages on the editor page, there’s the cart page and the success page. The cart page is the total amount that’s dependent on what you’re selling and which of these you’re customer has added to their cart. The success page comes right after each and every purchase that someone makes from your Thriftcart.

What you can do with the editor is just drag and drop the different elements and design your pages however you may deem fit, from the heading to the footer, you’re free to customize however you want.

Now if you’re selling memberships as I do, the most important part of our success page is making sure that we input the link to our member groups on it. All we have to do is add a button that says something along the lines of “Join Private Group” and link the group in the button.

Why I Recommend Hiring a Virtual Assistant

I would recommend getting a VA or something for this since there are a lot of people who are going to sign up and some of them are going to leave. I personally have a VA that goes and starts removing the people that are not paying anymore and adds the people who just paid.

Custom Tracking Code

I also make sure to enable custom HTML tracking code and I just insert my data analytics tag in there. So that way I can track how many people are landing on that page through my analytics.


When it comes to behavior rules, if you want to add them to an email list you can go ahead and choose from the available options:

  1. ConvertKit

  2. Custom HTML

  3. Google Sheets

  4. MailChimp

That way you can track who subscribed to your email list and who hasn’t. And that’s it!


Final Thoughts

The things I mentioned are pretty much all the things you need to know to be able to get started on ThriveCart. I wanted to show you that it’s not complicated and pretty easy to use. This is exactly what I did in order to make money. My monthly recurring income over almost $14,000 with my elite group. If you want to start a membership and want to start bringing in money, this is a great way.

The dollar trial works great because its a really low ticket offer, a lot of people will end up buying it if you can get any sort of traffic to that page because a lot of people will take a one-dollar offer pretty quickly and it’s a great way to start bringing people into a higher ticket deals if you plan on selling even bigger products or courses.


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